A couple weeks ago we got a sofa and chair for our living room. The couch is an IKEA leather special that we bought used for about half the original price. Still pricier than other couches, but as Graham says it should have good resale value. We also got a modern style swivel chair to match the couch. We never sit in it because we like to sit on the couch, but it is ready for guests when they show up!

Our bed is not performing so well. It is actually a bedsofa that doesn’t really work so well as a couch. The last two months it seems to have developed a slope towards the middle, and it has hurt both our backs. We may end up ditching the frame and just sleeping on the floor on the matress.
With the cold, i guess it’s dry enough that you could put the mattress on the floor with no damp issues? One apartment I had was on the ground level and i had my futon on the floor with, um… ill effects.
I’m amazed how much i like to watch TV (mostly on hulu) on my laptop. The resolution is great and the time is up to me. Power to the people!
How is Swedish beer?
In a word, Swedish beer is “overpriced”. The government has placed a lot of restrictions on the sale of alcohol as a harm reduction strategy (as Catherine would say). You pay more the higher the alcohol content and anything higher than 3.5% you need to go to the government liquor store which has very limited hours.
In the supermarket you can get beer but they tend to all be light (see 3.5% limit) lagers which are my least favourite beers in general. For what I’d pay at home (not that Canadian prices are cheap) for nice micro-brew dark stout or porter I can get (if on sale) some mass produced 3.5% Carlsberg (which is Danish) lager. So I haven’t been drinking much beer, which probably isn’t a bad thing all in all.
But we did make some purchases at the duty free at Newark on the way back from the wedding. Low US alcohol prices, no duty and a nearly-par CDN$ were far too much to resist.
I don’t mind watching shows/movies on the laptop but I do miss the big screen and sound especially for live sporting events.
But not having a TV cuts down on the random watching of crap just because it’s there. We’ve both been doing a lot more reading as a result.
Hulu really only works well in the US, but there are “alternatives” that provide better quality and quantity. Swedes did vote in a member of the Pirate Party to the EU Parliament after all…