My mom’s birthday is today. She is a fall baby, she likes the fall leaves, and at some point in the 80’s when she had her colours done, it was determined that she is an ‘autumn’. This year, my mom’s birthday falls on Canadian Thanksgiving and she will spend the day cooking up a big turkey feast for Graham’s family and mine. So this is a joint Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Birthday Mom post. At some point Graham and I determined we could get two Thanksgiving dinners and disappoint no one by strategizing with our moms to have their dinners on different days. At some point both sets of families got in on the action so that everyone got two dinners. Now that we are away, our families have determined that it is a tradition no one wants to upset. So they still get two delicious dinners and we will be making our own out of Swedish ingredients. Lingon berries are a great stand-in for cranberries, and we have already cooked up our pumpkin in preparation for pie, cookies, soup and possibly muffins.

My mom told me once when I was little that children whose mothers went to university were more likely to go to university themselves. I have got a lot of mileage out of that correlation! I hope you have an awesome Birthday/Thanksgiving Mom, and be sure to delegate some of the carrot peeling to the big guy. (Graham is sorry he will miss the potato mashing.)

What a tender, beautiful post, Catherine. I know you two will be missed today/yesterday.
(I want you to know that reading your posts is a little like getting to talk to you, which i want to do soon. I loved the turkeys comment, and the serving suggestion. Your wit is much fun.)
Nathan mashed the potatoes this year, tinkered with the recipe, and totally ruined Thanksgiving! (Actually, it was pretty good, but we’re not telling him that). We missed you two and can’t wait to see you soon!