On Friday evening we attended “Personalfest” which is the yearly staff party for the university. Before the party we crammed into the hot steam sauna in Catherine’s building so we could be nice and dehydrated before the partying got started.
130 staff and partners attended the party, but only a small group from Catherine’s department. We had dinner, drinks and dancing to a live retro cover band. The band was actually quite talented – they were able to play pretty much any request. It was interesting to hear the selections of the Swedish folks as many of the English songs were not recognizable to us English-speakers but seemed to be well-loved hits by the Swedes. It was nice to get out and meet some new people and not have to cook for an evening. Here are some pictures of the evening.

It’s fun to see pictures of you there – and you two look great. This whole thing seems to be agreeing with you. Catherine, you are getting more photogenic with every passing year: WOW. (Also, lovely dress/tunic – is that a Swedish or domestic purchase?)
Domestic old-timer. It is the kind of fabric that travels really well so it has been all over.