Over the last several years we’ve moved apartments a few times and we’ve helped a number of friends and family members move as well. I think we’ve obtained a bit of a reputation that we’re good at lifting all sorts of awkward and heavy shit and moving it from one cramped place to another. And apparently our reputation has followed us to Sweden as we got to help Hasse and Elja move this weekend!
Since they moved out of our current place in September they have been living apart during the week with Elja in Stockholm and Hasse staying at a small place here in Gävle and then being together in Stockholm on the weekends. For a variety of reasons they decided to turn back the clock and move everything (including the piano!) back to Gävle. Luckily for us they aren’t kicking us out, even though they haven’t found the right place yet – but the stuff still needed to come from Stockholm this weekend and get put in storage.
We only had to work on the Gävle end so we had most of the day to wait for the ‘call to action’. It came later than expected as a packing malfunction resulted in 2/3 of the stuff taking up 90% of the truck space so they had to rearrange everything – they really could have used Les the master truck packing technician there to help.  Once we got the call we rode our bikes to a storage warehouse outside of town – pretty fun when it’s almost -20 and snowing hard. Once the truck arrived we got down to the business of hauling everything out of the truck and down to far end of the storage warehouse as the rented locker was the furthest one. Really it wasn’t that far (60m maybe) and we had a big team as Elja’s family from Germany and Hasse’s from Dalarna were there too. After about an hour of moving stuff with frozen hands we made our way back to town on the bikes and had a celebratory pizza dinner.  It’s pretty much a given that we’ll be helping with another move coming up once they find an apartment; hopefully the conditions are a little nicer for that one. Probably this is karma punishing us for not being there for the impending Trask Mansion move.

I don’t know, I think that sounds pretty shifty, moving into and out of a storage unit under cover of darkness. At least there was pizza in the deal for you, traditonal moving food, even in Sweden. I like that.
Looks like the snow reflects a lot of light, as you have mentioned – does that help with the dark and drearies?