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Test your knowledge of IKEA product names and Swedish Olympians by taking this quiz.  I scored a 7 (out of 11) and Catherine “The IKEA Queen” nearly aced it with an impressive 10.
…adventures to and from
Test your knowledge of IKEA product names and Swedish Olympians by taking this quiz.  I scored a 7 (out of 11) and Catherine “The IKEA Queen” nearly aced it with an impressive 10.
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ba ha ah ha ha ha
he he he he he
ho ho ho ho
hi hi hi
hu hu
okay that is enough giggling with vowels.
and sometimes
I feel inordinately proud that I did so well on this (9 right). Maybe I should shop at IKEA more?
I do like the work table/desk that I found there. Now to measure and see what shape/configuration will work best.