Another popular feature, made especially with Dads in mind but hopefully enjoyed by all.
I have no idea what this is, but it looks like a classic and I think it will fit in even the smallest alleys in Amsterdam. Graham showing the scale of this tiny car in AmsterdamI can´t get enough of these awesome classic Volvos. This one is actually in the Netherlands.A cute "canal car" paddle-boat in Alkmaar.Mini-car in action!80s Alfa-RomeoAwesome old convertible in Elmshorn, Germany.Cute old convertible in Hamburg. I think the Eatery in Vancouver has a similar one parked outside the restaurant with their name on it.Mini-delivery wagon at the Hamburg WaterfrontAnother 3-wheeler delivery truck. It is basically a closed-in scooter.Yet another mini-truck, this time without Graham as a convenient measuring tool to show it is 0.7 Grahams high.