It seemed there was a lot to do around the house this weekend: take out recycling, clean out tool boxes and closets, clean floors, reactivate my mobile phone, do laundry, get some parts and fix the bikes, grocery shopping including 45kr/kg brown trumpets, pay bills, and reply to request for info from Swedish AND Canadian tax agencies.
There was also some time for fun. Hasse and Elja came over Friday for wild-rice-stuffed-pumpkin and hot fudge Monday… and as usual, a great chat.
Saturday while I was walking to drop off the recycling I took some pictures of the Fall leaves. Things have been crisp but clear, so there was nice light for it.  I also invited Divya and Shyam over for dinner on Sunday. They arrived in Sweden the end of August, but this was the first chance I had to invite them for a ‘Welcome to Gävle’ dinner. They are also vegetarian, so we had Thai noodles. Nice!
yay! Hasse and Elja! They are so awesome. I hope you had a great visit. I hope also that Elja is liking her new job. 🙂
I am glad that you are making time for dinners and to connect with buds. I really miss you a lots sniff. hugs. xo
I am so down with wild-rice-stuffed-pumpkin-and-hot-fudge Mondays. New tradition anyone? Okay, maybe not BSN.
Beautiful pic of the lake and evergreens, too!