Lussekattar are not just Christmas cats, but seasonal buns flavoured with saffron. They are ubiquitous this time of year, and it would not be Christmas in Sweden without them. They are such universal seasonal symbols that they end up on Christmas cards and even kids’ pyjamas.

I made my first batch for the julinvigning party. I didn’t have my act together to make them from scratch, but they are so popular you can get a box mix (I know I know, a travesty) complete with a little packet of yeast and instructions on how to make the classic lussekatt shape.

Even though I am not Swedish, I think I can still figure this out without a cheat sheet. It was not too hard, but I think maybe I left them to rise a little too much so they lost some of their shape. It turns out I could use some lussecoaching after all.

Saffron is not my most favourite flavour, but the fresh buns were nice and people ate them up.
i love lussekattar jammies!
also those look so tasty yaya.
well done what a nice thing to make and bring.
love you