Today we did our first loppet in Saskatoon, and Graham’s first ever. It was a bit tough with not a lot of training, I went conservative and did the 22knm, Graham went all out for the 33km. We were in the minority doing Classic, most folks do skate sking. The conditions were certainly better for skating, some spots were pretty bare with no tracks to speak of, and some wind drifted snow into the tracks to slow things down a bit.
My waxing experiments seem not too bad, Graham was happy with his glide and mine was good too, although my grip was substandard. I like double poling, but it would have been nice to have a bit more kick going up the hills. 😛 I look forward to refining that a bit. We met some nice folks and enjoyed the social time during the chilli meal afterwards. We even reconnected with some paddling people we had not seen in over a decade – now grown up with kids. Overall it was a great event and I can’t wait for the next one – or for the lessons tomorrow night so I can do a little better at the next one. 😉
Nice work, you two!
I really had better get out for my first ski of the season soon 😉
But soon it will be beach time, C!!
Well done!! But what hills are you talking about 🙂