Another weekend, another regatta. I did a marathon race in Lumsden on the curvy Qu’appelle with Ann. IT was an out-and-back. We had an outstanding start and a great upstream section. It was a ‘handicap’ race where you turn when you see the lead boat coming at you. We were not that prepared to see the oncoming boat (I thought the turn was further away than it was) and so our turn was a little lackluster. Downstream was not our comparative advantage; we went from leading/wash riding of the leader in our start group to 4th or so. I’m not sure why it was so hard to wash ride and keep up with boats going downstream, it should have been easier. Sorry, no pictures!

Graham did the Island Iron in the Georgia Straight off Vicotria. The conditions were horrible, with ama-side waves and not much surfing to make things fun/easier. Many boats hulied (capsized), some more than once. Graham’s crew won, a hard victory against the conditions as much as anything else. These pictures are taken near the protected area of the shore, and not indicative of the big curling swell out in the big ocean.
whoa! These pictures are beautiful and that race, with those conditions is bad-assed!
way to go Graham!
you are so aweosme.