While visiting us in June, Hasse and Elja bought a new house in Sandviken.  I offered immediately to help them move, without thinking I would actually get the chance.  But… they got possession of their new house on my last Saturday in Sweden, so luckily I got to see it!  This move was way easier than the previous move, since this time there was a light sprinkle but it was 12 degrees. Â
It actually made for a really fun day, working on the moving project with friends: Hasse and Elja, Jennie and Richard, Lisa and Jens, and Hasse’s awesome parents Slöwi and Peo.  Everything was well-prepared and well-thought out, we made two trips to Sandviken with the big truck and unloaded all the boxes into the specific rooms. This summer delivered a great theme song for the day (see below), and we finished off with a pizza feast in the glass solarium-veranda. I look forward to coming back and seeing how things look at casa de Nordlöf!