This morning I woke up early and headed into the CTV Saskatoon studio as a guest for the morning show. Â It is a small and old studio, but familiar since the morning show is also on in the gym when I am on the treadmill. Â I waited about 10 minutes in the green room and then got mic’ed up. It was about a two or three minute segment about the CRC and my research plans on the morning couch with McCafe cups on the table.

Afterwards I went into work to sit at my desk…. then off to the dairy barn for an on-site interview about the Ergonomics research with interesting B-roll.  This one will be on the Monday night 18:00 news, and also Saskatchewan’s agricultural program, Farmgate.  Fun and novel, but hopefully this slows down soon because I feel like I should actually do some work, and I am nursing a guilty conscience after rescheduling a meeting with students this morning.
I hope the cows appreciated the TV-glammed up researcher! Congrats again on the Research Chair – I’m so glad that you are getting the public acknowledgement for your work. The students are fortunate to have a superstar leader.