FINALLY things are starting to turn green. The prairie dogs are starting to play around on the grass after a long time burried under the snow, there are some dandelions up this week, and I even saw some blooming forsythia.  There is also still some ice on the shady side of the river and no leaves on the trees, but hopefully that all gets summer-ified soon.  I have been paddling a lot now that every day is above zero (a nice feature to have in May), and Graham did almost 25 hours in marathon boats last week.  I just can’t get enough of being outside morning and evening after work after being cooped up so long.
It is hard to remember that Vancouver had their forsythia 6+ weeks ago, and leaves for a solid 2 months. Â The gang in Sweden has also had a slow start to spring, but apparently they are awash in flowers now. Â I don’t mind winter, even the cold and windy Sask winter, but does it need to be 8 months long? Â Brad Wall is getting a strongly-worded email from me!
This coming weekend I will head to a get-together of paddling folks in Regina, and apparently all the tributaries of the Qu-appelle river are high due to recent local snow melt. I’ll aim to take some photos, hopefully mostly of scenery and not blisters.
Glad you guys are finally getting to see some other colours but white outside!!