Happily, Erica’s graduation took place on my first Friday in BC, so I got to go up and watch. It was nice to see her walk across the stage, but also great to see all her family and catch up on family news. We went to a BBQ at her Dad’s house after, and everyone was so welcoming and awesome. What a great day!
Erica was already a great teacher, but did a professional Masters in Education in the summers and evenings over the last couple of years so now she is the highest-quality learning-disability-trained math teacher around! She is a smart, strong, sporty, independent female role model for her students and also a great friend. I am proud of her accomplishments and I hope her students know how lucky they are.
David was in for hip replacement surgery on that day, but there was nothing I could do at the hospital so it was nice to have a fun social event to go to. It was exactly 10 years ago that I graduated from SFU while David was in surgery after his bike accident. This time it was planned and all went a little smoother. A lot has happened in 10 years, but nice to know that my good buddies and family are still trucking along with me.