Recognize the title of the post? Thanks portlandia:
Last weekend Graham and I went to the Farmer’s Market. It was the busiest I have ever seen it: bouncy castle, roads closed off for extra stands, with massive and tiny tents alike. We spent something like $60 on produce, but came home with quite a haul.

Then we were tasked with the challenging of using it all. Last month we got a new food dehydrator, and it is great. It has 9 big trays and a themostat, it seems to work pretty well.
We bought a bunch of jars at SuperStore and also made some pickles: 2 kinds of bread-and-butter (sour and sour-er for Graham), Dill cukes, Dill beets, and Spicy beets.

I also tried my hand at nectarine jam. It has less sugar than most jams and set really well without pectin! I think this will be great with yogurt.