I have not been to Whistler since before the Olympics, but it seemed like just the right thing to soothe my mountain-withdrawl. Happily, this year’s Association of Canadian Ergonomists conference was in Whistler the week before Thanksgiving, which meant there was time for Thanksgiving family visits as well.

I traveled up with Elizabeth, who also spent the week with me in Whistler. I attended the conference while she did paperwork and went hiking. We also got some hikes in together as well, including our first hike which featured 3 bears and a substantial detour to avoid getting eaten.

We also stayed with a new friend, Lynne from New Zealand. She was presenting her very interesting research on ATV accidents among New Zealand farmers.

Altogether it was a great trip, and finished off with 2 turkey dinners and 3 niece visits (2 little, 1 big).

I can’t believe you saw 3 bears!!! I have been to Whistler 3 times this year and didn’t see a single one!