Great news! Â Like last year, some Ergo Lab students have won poster awards at the Fall conferences. Big congratulations to: Samuel, April, and Mehdi! Â We toasted with sparkling apple juice at our lab meeting on Tuesday. Â Go Team!
Essien, S., Trask, C. (2014) Association between whole body vibration and low back disorder in farmers: a prospective cohort data. Saskatchewan Epidemiology Association (SEA)<sup> </sup>Annual Conference. October 23-24, Saskatoon, Canada. <strong>Third prize</strong>of the Saskatchewan Epidemiology Association Best Poster award.Rostami, M., Trask, C., Mathiassen, S. E. (2014), The effect of ‘Guesstimation’: daily posture summaries from partly-visible video observation; Saskatchewan Epidemiology Association (SEA) Annual Conference. October 23-24 Saskatoon, Canada. Second prize of the Saskatchewan Epidemiology Association Best Poster award.Liu, A., Trask, C., Pahwa, P. (2014) Prediction Modeling the Influence of Workplace Characteristics on Hand-Arm Vibration Exposure Using Occupational Health and Safety Administrative Data. 7th International Symposium on Agricultural and Rural Health, Saskatoon, Canada, October 19-22, 2014. Winner of the Best Student Poster in Occupational Health, Awarded by the Canadian Association for Research in Work and Health