Baby steps…
2015 involved a lot more data collection than 2014, so it seemed like there was less sitting around and writing articles. However, there were still a few, especially stemming from collaborations with others. There are also 8 others submitted and awaiting decisions.
I am very optimistic about 2016, when we’ll start publishing on all the farm data we collected last year… and 2016 already has a head start, with # 11 on this list!
- Clay, L., Milosavljevic, , Trask, C. (2015) Predicting whole body vibration exposure from occupational quad bike use in farmers. Safety 1(1) 79-83. Â http://www.mdpi.com/2313-576X/1/1/71/html
- Taylor-Gjevre R., Nair B., Bath B., Stewart S., Arendse R., Naik L, Trask C., Penz E., Sharma M., Crockett K. (2015) Addressing Rural and Remote Access Disparities for Patients with Inflammatory Arthritis through Telehealth/Videoconferencing and Innovative Inter-professional Care Models. Journal of Rheumatology 42(7): 1332-1333.
- Pickett, W., King, N.; Trask C.; Michaelson, V., Marlenga, B., Hagel, L.; Dosman, J. for the Saskatchewan Farm Injury Study Team. (2015) Factors related to self-perceived health in rural men and women. Journal of Agromedicine. 20(2):178-87 http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/1059924X.2015.1010063#.VcEDRE1zRnp
- Taylor-Gjevre , R.M., King, N., Trask, C., Koehncke , N., Injury Cohort Study Team. (2015) Prevalence and Occupational Impact of Arthritis in Saskatchewan Farmers. Journal of Agromedicine. 20(2):205-16. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1059924X.2015.1009666
- McMillan, M., Trask, C. Dosman J., Hagel, L., Pickett, W. for the Saskatchewan Farm Injury Study Team (2015) Prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders among Saskatchewan farmers. Journal of Agromedicine. 20:292–301 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1059924X.2015.1042611
- Trask, C., Khan, M. I., Adebayo, O., Boden, C., Bath, B. (2015) Equity in who gets studied: Examining inequities in the low back disorder literature. Journal of Agromedicine. 20:273–281 http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1059924X.2015.1042178
- Dosman, J., Hagel, L., King, N., Koehncke, N., Kirychuk, S., Trask, C., Neudorf, J., Day, L., Voaklander, D., Pickett, W. (2015) The hierarchy of control in the epidemic of farm injury Journal of Agromedicine. 20:360–369 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1059924X.2015.1048401
- Guarrasi, J., Trask, C., Kirychuk, S. (2015) A Systematic Review of Occupational Exposure to H2S in Livestock Operations. Journal of Agromedicine. 20(2): 224-235 http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1059924X.2015.1009667
- Trask, C., Rostami, M., Mathiassen, S.E. (2015) Partly visible periods in posture observation from video: prevalence and effect on summary estimates of postures in the job. Applied Ergonomics. 49:63-69 Â http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0003687015000186
- Milosavljevic, S., Clay, L., Bath, B., Trask, C., Penz, E., Stewart, S., Hendrick, P., Baxter, D.G., Hurley, D.A. and McDonough, S.A. (2015) Walking away from back pain: one step at a time – a community-based randomised controlled trial. BMC Public Health. 15:1 doi:10.1186/s12889-015-1496-9 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2458/15/144/abstrac
- Hagel, L., King, N., Dosman, J. A., Lawson, J., Trask, C., Pickett, W., & Saskatchewan Farm Injury Cohort Study Team. (2016). Profiling the safety environment on Saskatchewan farms. Safety science, 82, 103-110. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0925753515002325