Hello Reader(s)!  One of my graduate students has submitted a photo to a research photo contest here at the University, and you can vote online!  The photo is called: Cattle Ranching on horseback: a bumpy ride.  Here is the description of the photo:
This picture shows a typical cattle ranching scene: a farmer rounding up cattle from the paddock into the corral using a horse. What is less obvious in this image is that sensors have been mounted on the saddle surface where vibration, bumps, and jolts are transmitted to the farmer. Vibration from vehicles and machinery is known to be a risk factor for low back disorder, and such vibration is commonly experienced by farmers on agricultural equipment including tractors, combines, all-terrain vehicles, and even horses. This is the first study that evaluated the whole-body vibration level on different farm equipment in Saskatchewan, and to our knowledge the first to measure vibration from horses.
Vote on the U of S photo contest website!