How’s this for an entry to the hall of rad rentals? I was looking for an affordable way to have some space to ourselves in Victoria in July, and found this beauty on Craigslist. During the school year it is populated with UVic students, but it was available for the summer months. Happily, demand was very low when I inquired in May, and we got it.
The location was perfectly set between Mum’s and Elizabeth’s, bordering on Cedar Hill Municipal Golf Course on Diana Road with a great hilly chip trail, duck pond, resident deer and bunnies. The garden was an especially nice feature, with strawberry, blueberry and herb harvests. It had a large deck where we could host folks for social distance diners. Feeling pretty lucky we found it!
Graham and I had ‘home’ workstations at the dining room table. Happily, I rarely used mine. 😉 4 comfy bedrooms room for guests!