Graham’s parent’s came to visit in late August. Both Graham and I were working, so they took some self-guided visits to Stockholm , Uppsala, and Helsinki and then told us about their adventures over dinner in the evenings. Bernie joined family zoom yoga on Sunday, and we all got to do some fun weekend visits to garden cafes. Linda invited us all to her summer house for a crayfish party, so we had a nice weekend excursion out to the heart of Sörmland for a traditional late-summer dinner complete with songs and snaps. We watched deer wander through the hay meadows and marveled at the range of mushrooms, including masses of chantarelles just steps form the front door.
After their visit with us, Tom and Bernie headed off to Portugal for the next leg of their European visit. Tom took loads of photos while in Sweden, so there may be a future guest post, once they get back to Canada and have a chance to sort through the pictures and the stories.