Victoria Visits 2023

David was also there! He took the photo.

I was lucky to make a November trip to BC, and even to get pretty nice weather while there. Elizabeth had been visiting Gripens Guesthouse and we both got to travel back together… via Frankfurt, Calgary, and Vancouver. šŸ˜›

Most of the time I spent at MumĀ“s, visiting with relatives, including a Sunday lunch / tea reception for birthdays etc over the past months. This was such a nice event with quality visits that we sadly did not get many photographs. More frequent a quiet visits were had with newest Ā“relationĀ“: Butterscotch, MumĀ“s new neighbour cat (RIP Diego).

Bridget came up for the weekend, and invited us to Abkhazi teahouse for a fancy tea. The garden was lovely, even though it was later in the season than last year. The sky was clear so we got some nice photos in the garden.

Thanks for making my visit so great. See you all soon!