Runestones and Ruins Cycle Tour

An Eagle motif reproduced from jewelry found in a gravesite in Skälby in Upplands Väsby Kommun. It symbolizes that the bearer is a loyal oath-keeper to the chief in Sigtuna. They have found ones like it as far as England.

Another fun cycle tour, this one with the idea of looking for all the Viking-era historical sites in around Upplands-Väsby. This post is organized by theme rather than chronologically, starting with views from the cycle tour…

Naturally, there needs to be a collection of photos from the historic sites. We didn’t always remember to take photos, and the giant stones don’t always photograph well, but here we go…

Since we were out in nature we did meet a lot of creatures. Some that we didn’t photograph: momma duck with a collection of ducklings, parent merganser with a collection of merg-lettes, Gute sheep, and fox (or whatever?) that was nibbling on our wind shelter the first night.

Creatures aside, the camping was pretty awesome. It is amazing that so close to the city (and the Royal Palace!) that there can be nature spots with great amenities.

Naturally, this was a ‘luxury’ cycle-camping tour, so we stopped for some nice lunches and snacks between roughing it in the woods. Some highlights:

  • Kanaan’s Trädgårdscafé near Bromma had surprisingly good and creative dishes. It was a bit pricy, but standard for that nieghbourhood
  • Scarfo Gelato shop in Bromma is super excellent. I didn’t even look at the prices, because it was cheaper than going to Italy. Even the coffee was good, the Affogato made me miss the olden-days Township. Will go back!
  • Tegnérs! The well-loved hometown favourite, just as good at its other location with the added charm of watching the small car ferry unload.
  • We didn’t go to the Royal Palace café since we were still full of gelato, but it was clearly popular when we rode by. I did reflect on the differences in Sweden; I cannot imagine stopping into to Buckingham Palance for a shrimp sanwhich, coffee, and cinnamon bun.