This week one of my work buddies Eva generously offered to lend us Canadian Gävlebo her car so we can go XC skiing in a new place. It is warming up a lot and there may not be a lot of snow weekends left, so we are keen to take our last chance to ski. We will go to Högbo bruk, which is a cute and quaint site of an old forge and smith with an ancient waterwheel and nice little lake. There are also a lot of XC trails there, some of which are refrigerated and they have a lot of snow machines, so it is a destination for Stockholmers who want to train for Vasaloppet. They have wide trails with multiple tracks and also groomed skate trails, so that will be popular with skate fans Richard and Jennie. They have a nice café where we will probably have fika before coming home. They also have some artisan shops, maybe we can find a nice gift for Eva to thank her!
Hi guys! Cool – sounds like you’re in for a pretty neat trip! If you happen to learn anything about how long ago smithing took place in the area (pre 12 century?) and what the source of metal was (was it bog iron?) I’d be interested to know!
– Leif