Sunday was the kickoff for Gamla Gefle, Gavle’s old town made up of tightly-packed wooden buildings. Most of these are residential, but with some rooms turned into artists’ studios, design offices, ceramics workshops, and other arty things. It was a nice sunny afternoon and there were lots of art shows out in the walled gardens of these houses, so we got to see people’s tulip collections as well as paintings/ceramic pots/antique furniture for sale.
There was also an outdoor antique auction, which by coincidence was led by Camilla’s cousin (complete with wooden gavel).  We got a spot at a picnic table at an outdoor café and had fika with Jennie and Richard and took in the scene. It was a nice afternoon for it, lots of recent days have been a little too cold and/or rainy to consider an outdoor fika. Summer is coming!
Did you notice the mirrors on the yellow house and the furthest brown house. These are used to observe the people on the street.
Fika did you know that this is a 19th century “back slang” created by reversing the syllables in the old Swedish word Kaffi (coffee)