Finally, we got some good weather. Saturday was 17 at the warmest, no wind and no bugs. So, it was a perfect day for some painting projects I had saved up.
I turned the deck into a mini-painting booth and spray-painted a thrift shop side table. It was $15, plus $6 of paint. It turned out pretty much exactly like I wanted.
I also stained the pine kitchen table. I think we bought this one before moving to the 16th Ave hobbit-hole, and had lots of dinners on it. Andrea Lam had it at her place for a while too, so it has had about 10 years of use. It was definitely worse for wear, but the stain seems to have livened it up a bit, and now it matches the Starbucks chairs from mom and dad.
I also had a decorative idea for the apartment. I tried to buy antlers for some time, but apparently you have to kill a deer for that. So, I bought a hedge nipper from home depot and made my own folksy mounted antlers out of branches. I painted them the same colour as the table, and used the red stain on a wooden plaque. Altogether I think this guy must have been about $20, if you include the nippers (which will be great for stealing lilacs for years to come, take that Elizabeth).
You are sooooo Awesome!
Your home projects look awesome! I have a similar table that has also never been stained… I am inspired (but maybe not quite towards action… yet…)
I love your vegan antlers (and your future investment in naughtyness!!)
These all look great! Well done!