I think everyone has had the chance to read about the Gävle Lussekatt contest and read my pick for the winner. The contest closed yesterday, which was Lucia, and I can’t help but be disappointed with the results. Pricken, the cat I thought was the cutest, came 4th. Happily, Texas was first (Bridget’s and Hasse’s favourite) and I thought he would have been a good runner-up. I am a little sad that Pricken didn’t win (and by extension, that I didn’t guess right) but I knew something was up when I saw the second place kitty: Jane Ear the hairless rat-cat. I mean, every cat is a winner for entering and they have beauty on the inside etc. etc. but hairless cats are gross.
Texas has a lot of personality in his photo. He has a santa hat and he looks kind of hung over, which I think a lot of people can relate to. Also, he is a pretty cute kitty just on his own. Maybe Pricken can win next year.
I have been misquoted, I have been misunderstood. Maybe I have been in the States too long, and my accent is now horrible. I said I agreed with you completely about Pricken. Texas was the only other contender. Ah me. Clearly, i care too much about these things. Hairless cats are only slightly more gross than hairless dogs. Eeeewwww.
Maybe next year, Pricken does a photo shoot with Texas, but looks cuter doing what they do. 😉
also this cat is named Steve McQueen and this is the intro to his TV show, complete with MacGyver music – and it’s a grey kitty – go grey kitties!
I saw that MacGyver kitty. I like the editing to make it look like he´s leaping buidlings etc.
Texas is a good kitty, I am fond of tabbies. But seriously, hairless cats, WTF?