We spent the last days of June in Kelowna visiting our dear friends Harpreet and Daljeet. We met them in Saskatoon within a few months of moving there – they had also recently moved there from Vancouver and we had LOTS to talk about comparing notes about what it was like to be new there.
They moved away from Saskatoon >3 years ago, and we had since visited them for a long weekend in Kelowna. In a short time they have settled into a great life there, with their kids and often one or both sets of parents in the mix.
As always, it was great to visit and catch up, and enjoy the outstanding meals cooked by Daljeet. Visiting right after things started to open up was a bit strange; Kelowna had very few COVID restrictions in place and the overall ethos seemed to be ‘we’re back to normal’. Looking back at this weeks later when Kelowna is a BC hotspot due to crowded nightclubs and parties, it seems that was a miscalculation. I’m so glad we got to visit when and how we did: in smalls groups and stress-free.